FL Elementary School

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Select Image Number Name Teacher/Sponsor Grade Course/Class Act. Date Price
2022-2023 FACES Late Pickup Fees SM005-VAR1 SM005-VAR1 7100-17400 FACES Late Pickup Fees The FACES program closes at 6:00 p.m. Parents whose children remain past 6:00 p.m. must pay overtime fees of $1.00 per minute per child. Please list the student(s) name(s) associated with the late fee in the description box so that we can update his or her file. *Failure to pay late pick-up fees or excessive late pick-ups could result in your student's suspension from the afterschool program. :FL Elementary School VARIABLE Hogue,Jennifer N/A N/A N/A $0.00
7100-17400 First Grade Field Trip - Movie SM005-13 SM005-13 7100-17400 First Grade Field Trip - Movie The First Grade class is going to Movie Tavern to watch Moana 2 on December 19, 2024. The cost is $15.60 a student and is due by December 16, 2024 - online payments through the school store ONLY. Parents wishing to attend the field trip will have to pay at the theater. :FL Elementary School FIXED Thomas,Jill 1st N/A N/A $15.60
FLES Donations SM005-VAR11 SM005-VAR11 7100-19200 FLES Donations Thank you for your donation to Fountain Lake Elementary. Please put the purpose of the donation in the description box and the amount of the donation where it says "Price". :FL Elementary School VARIABLE Curry,Katie N/A N/A N/A $0.00
2022-2023 Elementary Library Book Fees - STAFF ONLY SM005-VAR8 SM005-VAR8 7102-17400 FLES Library Book Fees Library fees for lost or damaged books. Please put the student's name, book title and barcode number in the description box. You will put the fine amount in as the price prior to adding this item to your cart. :FL Elementary School VARIABLE Carson,Keith N/A N/A N/A $0.00
7103-19200 FLES Staff Sunshine Fund SM005-VAR10 SM005-VAR10 7103-19200 FLES Staff Sunshine Fund Dues The Sunshine Fund is a faculty-supported fund that seeks to provide small moments of "sunshine" while recognizing life milestones and other personal events within our staff. Please put your name in the description box when making the payment. Your donation amount will go where it says "Price". Dues are $10 each nine weeks or $40 for the year. :FL Elementary School VARIABLE Lambert,Rebecca N/A N/A N/A $0.00
FLES Special Education Department Donations SM005-VAR19 SM005-VAR19 7110-19200 FLES Special Education Department Donations Donations for the FLES Special Education Department :FL Elementary School VARIABLE Martha,Wright N/A N/A N/A $0.00
Elementary Counselor Donations SM005-VAR15 SM005-VAR15 7207-19200 Elementary Counselor Donations Thank you for your donation to the Fountain Lake Elementary Counselor. Please put the purpose of the donation in the description box and the amount of the donation where it says "Price". :FL Elementary School VARIABLE Davis,Jill N/A N/A N/A $0.00
FLES Donations for Unpaid Student Lunch Accounts SM005-VAR17 SM005-VAR17 7400-19200 FLES Donations for Unpaid Student Lunch Accounts Donations to help pay student lunch accounts that have an unpaid balance. :FL Elementary School VARIABLE Teague,Tonya N/A N/A N/A $0.00
2022-2023 Elementary Technology Fees SM005-VAR5 SM005-VAR5 7410-17400 FLES Technology Fees Technology fees for lost or damaged Chromebooks, I-pads, hotspots, and/or chargers. Please list the student's name, item and barcode number in the description box. You will put the fine amount in as the price prior to adding this item to your cart. :FL Elementary School VARIABLE Carson,Keith N/A N/A N/A $0.00
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